Exhibit 2007 04

The seller of this piece goes to great lengths to explain to the unwary autograph buyer that they should be on the look out for forgeries. Sadly however, they miss an obvious opportunity to reference the listed item itself as an example of the ignoble art of forgery.

I particularly like the repeated use of the term "We" in the listing, along the lines of "We here at GreatForgeriesInc go to great lengths to verify that the pieces we offer really are fake.". The implication of course is that it's not just some sad nerd selling fakes from his bedroom (where still lives with his parents even though he's in his 20s) - he's actually the jetsetting CEO of a thriving international corporation dealing in valuable autographs.

I have my doubts...

C for effort (found a real photo, apparently)
E for artistic merit (scribbled all over it)

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